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February 22, according to "Daily Post" reported that most of the jailbreak case, both in prisons managed by various means "escape from prison"; however, occurred in a few days ago the German bizarre "reverse escape case "are completely subvert the traditional values - 33-year-old German man, replica Giverchy Handbags This is a free man, but miss being held in prison for theft of his girlfriend, he had a month-long period of time every night, climbed over the prison wall 10 feet high, "the more into the prison", and then use a spoon made of the key open the cell door every night with girlfriend Touhuan imprisoned. According to reports, the court will be in Germany next month to hear the sensational escape mystery, but by the media dubbed the "prison Romeo," Daniel will also be really in prison, an end to his different kind of "escape" career.
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